Mandatory self-interest enforced by a suffocative culture, a culture accelerated & exacerbated by K. Apathetic towards linear systems and stable networks, the chaotic assemblage of sensual content is a fix, an escape from the mundane. Surrounded, interrogated by K at all times. Each sense-organ & orifice ready to receive a gleaming K-splinter. A desk flooded with tit-bits of writing ,scrawling, jottings, gnawed pen nibs, pop cans, junk wrappers, wires, notifications, dopamine hits; for your space is chained into the perpetual K-space. A spine slowly remodelling itself inward, a pure-APT is a means for upper K-intake. Home, hyper-hedonism, unalloyed-pleasure-park is your only existence; the slightest nudge tipped you into this Ballardian heaven; you’re ascending into an eternal link-binge spiral of self-loathing.
K—it was a melting pot of Ks. Josef K from Kafka, K from the german spelling of cybernetics, K from K-waves in Kondratieff theory in economics, Ko from the I Ching, etc etc. K was in the air. -
Kode9 interview. (Hyperlinks mine)
The additionals: (K)etamine, (K)-hole (κ)υβερνητικός , Y2(K), r/(K) Selection theory, (K)-Theory - link yourself in, descend into K.
Take K as cyber if thee be a layman. Take it as a cocktail of K-tags for a truer vision. But let us for a second extrapolate to a base level K:
We’re talking of cyber when we talk of K. Cyber from cybernetics and cyberspace: Systems, networks, structures, communications, control, regulation, chains and feedback all converge at K. The cumulative controlling systems & networks – tech or bio – that are leading you towards an abyss of fatigue and schizo-attention.
“In the past man has been first, in the future the system must be first.” - Frederick Winslow Taylor.
The human mind is plastic beyond infancy, forever a blubbering imitator looking to fit in. Long into adulthood systems mould the plastic-mind, the pathetic cortex, the ambiguous consciousness finding its feet just to please the system-God. The western system is the most vacuous, your cortex a slave once more to the lowest bidder: to repetitive entertainments and micro-content, spewed forever. These new systems are unlike the ‘blank-slate’ linear systems of old. Blank-slate systems are incompatible with K due to their built in possibility for conclusion. For once you could read a physical book, engage your mind, and fin, clear your mind...and breathe. K, however, gives you want you really want, an unfiltered, 24/7 orgy of content causing your mind to overheat and the plastic to melt eternal, allowing for multiple probes to enter; probing in new behaviours. A structure weak enough to yield an external influence without interjection will always be a slave to the immoral, the malicious.
Each sensory input, motor function, association, reward system or awareness thus enters via K. K is the future filter between Being and intentionality. K’s incessant dopamine reward system: every like, every comment, retweet, every accelerated net-process helps mould human plastic into a K-slave. K has already taught us a couple of good tricks: Lower IQ[1] and lower attention span.
All that is truly malicious enters under the guise of progression. Nostalgic feedback to before university allows you a glimpse of an origin. You remember the birth of K. K before K: the net, internet, the web, mobile telephones, the continued push towards uninterrupted connection, the only direction is away from possibility of exit out of the mainframe. So the subtle forms begin to arise, from hedonistic need grew mass entertainment, lifetimes of media, multiple distributors, affordable chains. You no longer went out after university and if you did you took your phone. Eyes fixed onto your cliché Macbook, re-watching a series you’ve seen 4 times already, re-checking the same 3 dopamine reward systems every few minutes.
Distractions to distract you from larger more structured distractions, tabs upon tabs, lists upon lists, the hours pass as your mind enters into schizo-attention mode; eyes flickering between unrelated K-points, as your mind overheats allowing for behavioural change. You’re smart, but not smart enough to out-think the simplicity of K, not intelligent enough to stop your cortex from becoming a mush. You waste hours in the datacombs reaping pointless systematic rewards, telling yourself it’s good to continue your own intellectual demise. You’ve got a headache, backache, you’re tired, cold and hungry, it’s 3am. Sleep.
You’re sat at a meal with ‘friends’, soon to be K-Data, names on file utilized to pump up your rank. One of them jokes about playing the game where all phones are placed onto the table and whoever checks there’s first pays the bill. There’s slight chuckles coming from the members, all awkwardly checking their (K) phones, just in case the implication was serious, it wasn’t of course, the addiction runs too deep. You’re waiting for your food now, you can no longer chat to one another for that behaviour has been dismantled, replaced with a K-centric motor function: the awkwardness rises and so all are huffing great quantities of K.
K, retaining IT, VR and PC culture as its base expands into the future, accelerating its sociopolitical domination. K is phantom pocket vibration syndrome kicked into overdrive, tactile hallucinatory events invading intuition. Sensibilities apathetic nature is at the whim K-space’s incessant stimulation. The public surgery has begun, to wield distraction & high-fructose hedonism as a scalpel. The populous fatten and tire, their necks crook forward, spines de-evolving into ape-shape. Motivation is thrown into the street and discipline is publicly sodomized.
Night-in. Login. The contents accelerative nature is subversive, quasi-transgressive. The rational and the linear are undermined, K takes Gutenberg out back to be shot. Possibility of conclusion becomes illegal. The press mutates. Vowels erode first, being replaced with emojies and post-meme hieroglyphs. Your thought processes fragment entirely, latching onto bits of data for seconds at a time.
“(i) excessive use, which may be associated with a loss of sense of time or a neglect of basic drives;
(ii) withdrawal, leading to feelings of anger, tension and/or depression when the computer is in-accessible;
(iii) tolerance, including the need for more advanced computer equipment and software and/or more hours of use;
(iv) negative social repercussions.”
"To be everywhere is to be nowhere." - Seneca
[1] The Shallows - Nicholas Carr, Chapter 7 Pt II: A Digression On The Buoyancy Of IQ Scores