Left-Wing Melancholy is a Death Wish
Left-Wing Melancholy (LWM): Feeling of senseless of the present and futility of the future, coupled with a sweet delight of the lost past. It differs from ordinary melancholy by its fixation on the general unattainable, and therefore unrealizable, good. Formed in light of the today’s contrast of communism for the elite in the Silicon Valley (see “utopia of consumption”, “utopia of technology”) and the collapse/obsolescence/alienation of all the previously accepted forms of mobilization and organization of liberation movements. (here)
LWM, in short, nostalgia for a better yesterday, and sadness in a lost tomorrow. An idea which is entirely in-keeping with the pithy throwaway line “It is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism”. (See Zizek, Jameson or Fisher.)
I've recently come to another pragmatic roadblock with regards to Left/Right attitudes, one so utterly cumbersome and frustrating that I decided once again to dip my toes into recursive political writing - God this shit never ends! - anyways, for you proles, the attitude is roughly thus: The Left sees a vast multitude of their problems as coming from the maliciousness of capital(ism) - I know, original right...and by the way the bracketing of capital(ism) is important, and is to be returned to later. Whereas the Right sees the majority of their problems as faults (tricky wording for any seething Leftie) within a fairly straightforward system. Let's delve into this excrement.
I'll start with an extrapolation of the Right-wing view here as - with regards to this issue - it's the one I hold. Quickfire Round: Westerner, young, educated, middle class and have easy access to that which fulfils my needs. That's right baby, I'm in the sweetspot, this isn't just privilege, this is M&S privilege! Of course, that's what any Leftie would say when reviewing my cosmically random social attributes, that I'm privileged. Oh for sure what I have is extremely nice, comforting and easy to get-by with. Whether or not it's privilege is another issue entirely, and one I wont delve too much into here. Now, back to the Right-Wing view as-per one's own 'problems'. Let's list some things righties may see as problems: Bad health, bad fitness, bad diet, bad finances, low education, lack of responsibility and lack of meaning, to name a few. Now with regards to a Right-Wing perspective each of these can - if one has the impetus - be fixed.
You're unfit? Go to the gym, can't afford the gym? Do a bodyweight routine at home, haven't got the time? It takes 30 minutes to one hour per day, now we're in excuse territory (Something you can't blame capital for...later)
Bad diet? Do 30 minutes of research and eat healthy food, can't afford healthy food? There's affordable healthy options if one is to take the time to prepare them.
Bad finances? Prioritize, stop spending your money on useless entertainment that you'll drop at a moments notice.
Low education? Part time distance learning, online courses, library books, Youtube tutorials.
Lack of responsibility? Take responsibility for the above and you find that the last item - meaning - comes into your lives.
Congratulations, you've just become a shitlord.
You hear that? It's out-of-shape lefties seething at the very core of their Being. Let's roll through what they're going to say.
"Go to the gym, you say! But why? Do you not understand that the idea of 'fitness' is merely capital(ist) propaganda to make you believe the idea of work is beneficial?!"
"Dieting! Healthy Eating! Do you not know that both of these things are merely forms of capital(ist) propaganda used as a means to continue the idea of body dissatisfaction and fat shaming?!"
"Bad finances?! Oh, so we should all just succumb to the life of an ascetic should we? You want me to sacrifice my social life for what? So I can put my money is some capital(ist) savings Bank?"
"Low education, oh great, here we go again! The undereducated are lesser people are they?!"
"Responsibility, well, life's inherently meaningless anyway and it's easier to imagine the end of the world that the end of capitalism, so I'd only be taking responsibility for capital(ism) so why bother?"
I feel a little sick after typing those out. But hey, I'm sure they'll be accepted without any backlash. Ok, I somewhat shoehorned capital(ism) in there for most of them, but if one is to do a quick Google search, one finds that at pretty much every turn Lefties and left-wing journals tend to push the blame onto the - now - free-floating signifier that is 'capital' or 'capitalism'. And this is why I've been bracketing it. Because a vast amount of contemporary politicians and philosophers, alongside amateur theorists and bloggers - more often that not of a leftist calling - use this word 'capital' in a free-floating way. What they really mean by 'capital' is this.
Within contemporary (hype) political usage Capital means the tempo-historical deification of Capitalism as a means of shifting every single fault of self, society, religion, family, locality or ego onto an indistinct ideological catch-all. Hell, I've done it a few times. And so I put it to you that the infamous quote: "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism" in a contemporary sense that is, actually means: "It's easier to imagine the end of MY world than to give up capitalism."
Leftists, in their incessant dogma that all forms of 'wellness' are capitalist propaganda enter themselves into toxic double-bind. Psychologically a priori to them is the fact that capitalism is bad, and thus all that is connected to capitalism is bad, including 'wellness' and as such they want that which is not capitalism, which is not 'wellness' subsumed into capitalism. They wish for some strange form of Utopian collective support network they really can't explain. One where what? You each spoonfeed each other vitamins in some kind of Marxist prayer circle?
The idea of waking up and feeling alive, feeling good, feeling well spans back throughout all of history, and when it is absent look for the writings of those being tortured and ask of that which almost certainly seek. You wish for this 'better' life and yet cannot even fathom the idea that capital is not everywhere (shock fucking horror!) you may step out of your door without your earbuds in or a phone in your pocket, you may go for a walk and think not of how to overthrow capitalism, you could go see how it feels to attend to that which your body and mind almost certainly crave, care. But you wont, the idea of actual care is utterly alien to you. Capital hasn't taken it away, you're simply too wrapped up in your own narcissism to part with the only thing that gives your life meaning, the depressive dregs of left-wing melancholy which you cuddle night and day in a ritual of pride! You could metaphorically logoff from all the inputs that you know allow you the political melancholia you so crave, you could do so and undertake many-a fulfilling action, task, job, pastime, event or scene, the majority of which were - and have never been - tied to any political outlook, it is you personally whom allowed the idea of parasitic capital to infect your entire life, so do not blame those who walk a path entirely alien to your very Being.
Oh you poor things, yearning for a better yesterday, because of course one needs no excuse for that which is impossible to reach such as...the past. And yet still so sad about that forgotten tomorrow, you managed to put all of time in the past, you've given up the flame to the version of you that never was, and never would be! Perhaps it's best you wallow in your depressive cocoon forever more, for I'm sure on exiting you'll notice how it has become attached to your shadow.